

Retail space for sale in Unirii 68

Retail space for sale in the downtown area, at the junction of Unirii Boulevard with Calea Vitan, sector 3, Bucharest.


Retail space for sale at 68 Unirii Boulevard

Retail space for sale on Unirii Boulevard, across of Zepter block, in the section placed in between Nerva Traian and Alba Iulia Square.

The space has a corner location, being placed right at the junction of Unirii Boulevard with Lucian Blaga Street / Calea Vitan, having a very good visibility.

The area included mixed-use functions: residential, offices, retail (high street, Vitan Market, Bucuresti Mall), hotels, medical facilities etc.

The car access is made along the area’s major routes that provide a direct and flowing traffic towards Unirii Square and the inner ring (Muncii Square, Mihai Bravu).

The public transport includes bus stops in front of the space and tram stop at 2 walking minutes on Octavian Goga Boulevard. 

Unirii 68 is a retail property with a total area of 845 sq m, developed along underground (115 sq m), ground floor (320 sq m) and 1st floor (409 sq m). The space is provided with 3 entrances: the main one on Unirii Boulevard, a second one from Lucian Blaga street and a 3rd one for merchandise access from the backside of the building, respectively an exterior evacuation stair from the 1st floor.

The space was previously used by ING Bank, now being brought to shell & core, prepared to be modernised and fitted by the future occupier.

Status Existing

Levels U+GF+1

Rentable area 845 m²

  • Vad comercial
  • Trecere pietoni
  • Trafic auto intens
  • Trafic pietonal intens
  • Vizibilitate
  • Statie transport public
  • Acces aprovizionare
  • Artera pietonala
  • Usable height minimum 2.7 meters
  • Elevator/Elevators

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